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This was a really wonderful interview/discussion. And from this, I was thinking about the forces that drive cultural changes in what and how we consume coffee and also tea -- sociable consumption! communities and cafes!

And then right afterward I read this article on ‘India’s lost coffee culture’. Although it does not deal with technology, a main focus of your interview, it still seems relevant to the question of behavioural change wrt consumption on a broad scale, which seems at the heart of your discussion.

It tells the story (sorry if you know all this!) of how a rich coffee culture, including cafe life, flourished in India by the 16th century, but by the late 18th century this ‘coffee life’ had all but vanished and tea had become subcontinent's preferred drink. The force driving this change was British imperialism, and control by the East India Tea Company -- an early example of a military-industrial complex.


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