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At the end of the day, the companies that create these loopholes are responsible alongside individualism culture fostered by said companies and advertising.

Creating buy-in for someone to game the system over a few squirts of vanilla (or whatever) is something that is desirable for these companies and having hacked orders go viral is something they can't necessarily do on their own.

Sidestepping the enormous supply chain and climate implications of having as many ingredients as possible for hackers to play with, we're still left with the issue of the workers simply trying to work at whatever level they're existing on in capitalism.

If you're making less than $15/base, yeah why go the extra mile measuring a bunch of stuff for something that costs most of your hourly wage?

I'd think a majority of people that read this blog would roll their eyes at the "complain to corporate" response but I'd go further and point out punching down on workers at minimum wage service jobs while writing about minimum wage workers ain't it. Has a real "I had to suffer so you should too" boomer energy to it, admittedly I haven't read the interview in question.

All this being said, it would be preferable for there to be space for improvisation and slightly more choice esp in coffee where we're still looping creating the 'airplay' spaces with slight variations on a central aesthetic with the same menu ad nauseam. Those tweaks and improvisations should be a dialogue between two people though, not a customer is always right thing. It contributes to the already ongoing deskilling narrative around baristas and food service in general, idk maybe it's a fourth wave thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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